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Jason Corthell

Jason Corthell Profile Photo

Division Chief - National Speaker


​Chief Jason Corthell resides in Hockley, Texas with his wife and three children and enjoys going to sporting events of any kind and Texas Country Music. Currently Jason serves as the mental wellness program director for his organization. Chief Corthell is a fourth-generation firefighter and holds many advanced and master certifications in various specialties within the fire service. He graduated cum laude from Waldorf University with a degree in emergency management and also has obtained an associate degree in fire science. Jason is a certified chaplain, IAFF Peer Support and Resiliency Certified, as well as ICISF Individual and Group Interventionalist certified. His most recent accolades as being recognized as the top fire instructor in the state and also receiving the 2024 Fire Chief award are considered to be some of his proudest professional moments.