Get buckled up because this episode is a big one. We’re kicking off a two-part series with the one and only Sean McCallum, and let’s just say—this guy gets it.
Sean isn’t your average firefighter. Sure, he’s spent 22+ years in the fire service and serves as an operational watch manager with the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service in the UK. But beyond that? He’s a veteran, crisis intervention specialist, trauma consultant, and children’s author who’s developed innovative mental health frameworks like the Crisis Psychological First Aid Model and the COPE Stress Management Model (aka the CPR for Stress). Oh, and he also wrote The Joy Thief, a book teaching kids about trauma—because he’s just that next-level.
We knew this conversation was going to be good. We didn’t know we’d be sitting there with our jaws on the floor half the time. Sean breaks down the concept of identity transition—why it’s crucial for first responders to shift from work mode to home mode if they want to keep their relationships (and their sanity) intact. He also delivers a mic-drop moment on trauma, explaining that it’s not actually about the event itself—it’s about the intention you couldn’t fulfill in that moment. Let that one sink in.
We also dive into his COPE Stress Management Model, which gives first responders practical steps to manage stress before, during, and after a critical incident. And we can’t forget The Joy Thief—the book he wrote to help kids understand trauma, inspired by his own daughters and their innocent but wildly insightful view on emotions.
Somewhere in the middle of all this, we also get a crash course in British slang, a deep dive into the psychology of trauma, and the realization that we’re all just trying to complete unfinished business from our past. No big deal.
If you’ve ever felt stuck in your trauma, lost without your job title, or like you’re still trying to “fix” something from 10 years ago, this episode is for you. And if you’re a firefighter, cop, medic, dispatcher, or literally anyone trying to balance who you are at work vs. who you are at home, you’re about to get some serious perspective shifts.
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After the Tones Drop has been presented and sponsored by Whole House Counseling. After the Tones Drop is for informational purposes only and does not constitute for medical or psychological advice. It is not a substitute for professional health care advice diagnosis or treatment. Please contact a local mental health professional in your area if you are in need of assistance. You can also visit our shows resources page for an abundance of helpful information.
ATTD Music Credits (Music from #Uppbeat):
EP97: Mind Over Madness-Part 1
Sean: we all have personas or identities view of that from my perspective is that personality is the collection of. a person's personas you know Sean, the dad, Sean, the firefighter, Sean, the veteran, Sean, the guitarist, Sean, the mate, Sean, the idiot. If you have this fixed identity whereby you're being the firefighter all the time,when you're, not needing to be a firefighter and you can, you make decisions based on that stuff it can get problematic Trauma is being unable to fulfill your intentions The reason that's the worst part is because it violates, to some degree, your life schema, which is all held together with intention. It's only if you can bring that intention back into awareness that you can go, don't need to do that anymore, or that's now complete. to be with somebody. when they're confronting the thing that they've not confronted for so long and, and to see the outcome of that, it's hallowed ground and it's such a privilege you can't integrate what you can't accept, you can't accept what you don't understand and you can't understand. What you don't [00:01:00] know.
Erin: You're listening to after the tones drop. The mental health podcast for first responders.
Cinnamon: We're your hosts. I'm Cinnamon, a first responder trauma therapist.
Erin: And I'm Erin. A first responder integration coach.
Cinnamon: Our show brings you stories from real first responders, the tools they've learned, and the lives they now get to live.
Erin: [00:00:00] Welcome back to After the Tones Drop. Today, we are pumped to welcome our very first ever guest from the UK, Sean McCallum. With over 22 years of experience and counting in the fire service, Sean serves as a operational watch manager with the Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service. he is also an IRAC veteran.
Beyond his frontline experience, Sean is a crisis intervention and trauma consultant renowned for creating innovative systems like the Crisis Psychological First Aid Model, the COPE Stress Management Model, and the upcoming Suicide Intervention Model. Sean is also a children's author of his incredible book teaching children about trauma called The Joy Thief.
Join us as we explore Sean's incredible career and his mission to empower resilience and recovery within the first responder community and beyond. Hello,
Cinnamon: Hi.
Erin: he is. Hello, How are [00:01:00] you?
Sean: really well. Thank you. are you guys?
Cinnamon: Good.
Erin: Doing great. over here. I commend you for being so prepared that you were willing to start early today. I appreciate that.
Sean: Oh, no, I just thought,I've got the afternoon off to be honest. So I thought,if you wanted to, we could do, but that's cool. Honestly, not a drama as we say.
Cinnamon: What time is it there?
Sean: it is, one minute past five in the evening.
Cinnamon: Oh, Okay.
Sean: Yeah. So it's cool. It's
Cinnamon: At first I was like a. m.
Sean: God. Yeah. Five. Yeah,
Erin: When I invited you on, I was like, I don't know how that'll work with the time difference, but I wasn't. Even aware that it's not that bad.
Sean: no, it's cool. It's all right. if it's EST, if it's, Western, then it gets a little bit more problematic, but it's not a
drama. It's okay. Pacific. Thank
Cinnamon: we're closer.
Sean: Yeah,
Cinnamon: So it's not so those Californians they're demanding with their.
Sean: they are.
Cinnamon: Pacific Ocean time. Yes.
Sean: and I didn't know until, until you mentioned it earlier on that you're in Ohio, [00:02:00] right? That's awesome. And I had the wonderful opportunity to drive through Ohio about two years ago. I think it was. And I thought, God, what an awesome place. I was on my way to Pennsylvania to do some training there.
Erin: great.
Sean: Yeah, really lucky.
Erin: you're like, Oh, look, it's flat and there's a bunch of cows And, that's it.
Cinnamon: and you were going a different direction on another major highway, you would have seen our infamous sign that says, hell is real. That if you get on Google Maps, they actually have it marked as a
Sean: I'm just going to write that down. Hell is real.
Cinnamon: big, billboard that says hell is real.
Sean: Brilliant.
Erin: 71
Sean: It was beautiful because it was autumn as well. And all the trees and everything. It was just amazing. But anyway, rambling on.
Erin: Well, yay. now you know where we are. I've never been to where you are.
Sean: Yeah, you're not missing that much to be fair.
Erin: Really?
Sean: Yeah, Britain's nice, there are parts of at least Nottinghamshire that are nice. but, I suppose when you live there, [00:03:00] don't tend to realise the things that you have sometimes. we do have plenty of American tourists in, Britain, which is great.
also in Nottingham should be because of the Robin Hood thing, you know, we, we, um, you know, Kevin Costner.
Cinnamon: right? You've got all these Americans, all these U. S. folks frolicking through your woods trying to like sing Brian Adams and recreate a moment,
Erin: In their tights.
Sean: Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. In fact, fire station is in a place called Edwinstow, which is where. the famous thief was thought be from, and we have a tree there called the major oak and it was, it's very, very old, this tree. And apparently it was the tree where Robin Hood hid you know, yeah, we're smack in the middle of what was Sherwood forest. I say what was because most of it's at the bottom of the ocean these days.
Erin: it's like A lesson? I feel like I'm in class.
Cinnamon: did it end up at the bottom? I mean, I can make a guess, but I assume they weren't chopping down trees and throwing them off the island. So [00:04:00] somehow we've went below. Water level.
Sean: No, no, no, no. they used it for. The Royal Navy, from Tudor times and stuff like that. They literally used most of the oaks up build in the Navy. And that's why most of it's at the bottom of the ocean.
Cinnamon: Oh, I get it. They were ships that have been sunk.
Sean: Yeah.
Cinnamon: Got it.
Erin: Wow.
Cinnamon: So, is that the second most famous thief?
Sean: oh yeah.
Do you know what I, when I got that message out and saying that you bought that, but I thought that was so wonderful and I could have sent you that and it wouldn't have cost you anything if you'd have let me know I'd have sent you a copy,
Cinnamon: Let me just tell you, it barely cost us anything to begin with, and the least we can do is give you your royalties.
Sean: okay. All right. thank you.
Erin: So you can buy a cup of coffee, I'm sure.
Sean: Yeah.
Erin: it.
Cinnamon: and so Erin and I were in a hotel for a training that we had traveled to present and She asked me bring it along So we sat on our respective beds and I read it [00:05:00] aloud to her so I'm just gonna volunteer my services if at any point you choose to do audible I volunteer myself as tribute
Sean: you.
Cinnamon: thatI will read aloud your book Erin, I did a pretty good job, right? Like with voices and the spider and yes, it was very, I
Erin: You did an awesome job. And I felt like I was a child again.
Sean: Oh, bless you. Uh
Erin: And Cinnamon's referring to Sean's book, The Joy Thief, which we touched on a little bit in his intro, Listen, there's so many books out there that are about feelings and emotions and how to work through things and stuff is normal and so on and so forth. But there isn't things out there touching on things like trauma or what could be taken into your future, quite like this book. of course my children don't listen to a thing I say because I don't know what I'm talking about when I'm talking about these kinds of things. it's nice to be able to have a different [00:06:00] resource. Especially with my son who's five and is actually open to listening versus my daughter who's 11,
To teach them about this kind of stuff, and that it's part of life, things happen and it doesn't have to be these huge significant things to make an impact on how you react to certain things or what it creates for you and how you cope and manage. So thank you I am assuming you have children if you were writing children's books.
Sean: I do. And thank you for being so kind about that because it's not Shakespeare, but it is a nice little book. It came about, I have two daughters, Morgan and Isla, and they were doing something. I can't remember what it was, but I reacted to it. It wasn't anything major and that, and I, and basically I've just stopped doing that and I don't even know which one of them it was, but they said, Oh daddy, you're being a joy thief. That's where it came from. And yeah. And so it's their fault.
Cinnamon: out of the mouth of babes.
Sean: Absolutely. Yeah. And, um,I was just thinking and pondering on that and thinking, why did I react to that [00:07:00] particular thing? And you know, inevitably I ended up going back through time as you, we tend to do when we're, ruminating on something and,I had the realization that had come from somewhere because it was just a thing in and of itself and my reaction wasn't necessarily caused by the thing that they were doing, which was literally, you know just a thing that kids do,
but I'd had this reaction and, For some reason, I asked them to stop doing it, or told them to stop doing it And that's where the joy thief came from And so we had a lovely little thing where I asked us You tell me what the joy thief looks like and in the end it came out as a spider And they did little drawings and stuff and what have you and but that'swhere the spider came from
Erin: Wow.
Cinnamon: Oh my gosh.
Sean: Yeah,
Erin: Gosh, are brilliant, and if we give a chance to actually use their voice and listen, they come up with all kinds of incredible stuff.
Sean: yeah, they do. They do.
Erin: that makes it even more special! I already loved it!
Sean: I know. and so it came from them. And then I was just, I wrote a rhyme about [00:08:00] it. and then I thought, Oh, we could make this into a book. And then,I spoke with, my friend Victor, who,who published, Victor Votman who published the book and Yeah, so we got some illustrations from a guy and we went through all that thing and you know I nearly killed him with stress and wanted to change this and wanted to change that.
Bless him, he was so patient and In the end we came out with what became the Joy Thief and as I say, it's not Shakespeare But it is a helpful book for children and one of the coolest things occurred with it because school where my children went to school, the primary school, as we say here, you know, and they were young.I just gave them a few copies and, one of the teachers, got back to me a few weeks later and she said, Sean, she said, My children are now drawing spiders on their hands for me to see when they're not having a good day. I know. And I went, Oh my God. Yeah. so that was really nice.
Erin: That is so sweet. And what a great way how to [00:09:00] communicate without actually having to communicate.
Sean: Yes.
Erin: started it.
Sean: Well, the girls did, they started it. Yeah.
Erin: As a family. I can tell you that I commend you. a client actually gave us an idea to write this children's book. It's basically about gratitude and how many hands it takes to put our meals on the table.
And I talked to my husband. He's very artistic. And I said, this will be easy. Let's just write this children's book and we'll give it to everybody for Christmas. No, it's not. I'm like, no kid wants to read this book. It's boring. and my husband's, as anal as I am. And so he kept trying to redraw the pictures.
He so he illustrated it. We got it finished. It was something that we did, we, we can check the box off. It's, it turned out really cute. It's no Joy Thief. but it was still a cool thing for our family to do together, and everybody had their input on it. And so that's like a legacy that your kids will always have, they'll be able [00:10:00] to share it with their kids and that's really cool.
Sean: Yeah. It's cool. And it sounds like you had a good time doing that and it's a nice, but it's nice to produce something like that. And, yeah. And it's in print now and it's there's, so as I say, it's not Shakespeare, but it is helping. And that's the main thing because there are a number of themes in there.
It's really quite subtle. The book is quite subtle. We're talking about repression, we're talking about imaginary friends that we know that children have, and sometimes through, you knowI've had personal experience of these, and also personal experience of, working with adults who still have. what we call the joy thief in the book, they've had that presence with them since childhood that has been, responsibleor viewed to be responsible in some of the, mental health difficulties that they're experiencing in adulthood, with regard to choices that they make and where that comes from and so on and so forth. And then there's An [00:11:00] underlying theme of parental, behavior as well in there, if you notice that. But again, it's really subtle because you have to be really, I don't know if sneaky is the right word, but that's the one that just popped out. you have to be careful we're, when you're addressing parents and how they are parenting. and one of the big aims with this my little mistake there was to try and help parents to understand parenting from a trauma informed point of view.
And so there's just some nice little subtleties, but the main thing I suppose that cinnamon that you've already mentioned is this, I think it was you cinnamon, forgive me Erin if it wasn't, is the idea that the aberrations that somebody can experience in adulthood aren't always caused by, the big T's. Often it's the most bizarre, Little thing that nobody would even recognize as being traumatic for a child or for an
adult as far as that's concerned. And even a little experience with an insight that was the mode that we used to try and express that, that idea that it's not always huge stuff that [00:12:00] causes problems for children. and we're also looking at, um, you know, Jung said that, I think if I get this right, until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life. Yeah. And you'll call it fate. And so we're also looking repression within that little book. So there's lots of little stuff that's stacked in there, but it's all nice and subtle and very, child friendly and stuff.
Erin: Well, it's beautiful. And it's just one part of your massive bio that we received. I'm sure we could spend a podcast on each area of expertise you have. And I'm listening to you speak. And maybe it's the accent, which I love. I could listen to you speak all day. and I'm like, you don't seem like a regular old firefighter that I know.
Sean: and, accent may sound really, nice to you guys, but back where I live, I'm really common. yeah,
Cinnamon: It's the, nature of the foreign, when it's not [00:13:00] familiar, when it's not your usual, it's very enchanting.
Sean: yeah. and we have lots of regional dialects in a really small place too. You have regional dialects, but America's so huge, isn't it? It's just massive. Um, but you know, we have. Yeah, all sorts of different ways of speaking and
Cinnamon: Yeah. I know Erin is going to really try to move us forward, but I want to just go right back to the book just like for three seconds. you mentioned the idea of When we don't get certain things under control or we recognize what they are, we start to just think that's our fate.
And we've talked a lot about that fatalistic view and how it allows us to wash our hands of like, well, this is, this is how it was going to turn out. And there's. some excusing in that, but there's also some comfort in that. especially if you have that Anglo Christian perspective of, the, path is already decided, even if we don't realize what our choices are.
And so I think that's interesting [00:14:00] how you brought that up, but we know that the girls, was it, Morgan or Isla that dropped the spider, like you're being the joy thief.
Sean: yeah, can't remember which one it was so I say the girls I don't know.
Cinnamon: They can both take credit. So that is like the one side of it. But the way you wrote the book, it was almost like you took their analogy. and explained back to them why daddy snapped.
Sean: Exactly
Cinnamon: So it was like, thank you for giving me the language. Now let me, explain why I wasn't snapping at you about the thing I was telling you to stop. we know behavioralist parenting, the idea of emotional wellbeing, developmental appropriateness, that's out the window for a lot of us who, are 35 above. for the most part,it was like behave, don't embarrass us, sit still, don't inconvenience us. But for you to take this on and say, daddy came home and was already bothered [00:15:00] by something else.
And then. What you did, maybe I could have corrected, but really what it was was I was already irritated. I was already angered. And we talk about that in terms of when firefighters come home in the morning and they walk into the front door and their shoes and backpacks are everywhere in the foyer. So the first conversation oftentimes looks like. We're going to have a fight because you all did not do or meet the expectation that then starts to churn out this whole other layer of how our post traumatic stress and our Lack of stress management is now feeding into our kids and now they're like which daddy Sean am I gonna get this morning?
Did he get a good night's sleep? Did he have too many runs after midnight? Is he gonna be mad at a eight when the situation might call for a three. So I love how you took their insight and wisdom and reworked it back to them so [00:16:00] they could understand why you were snapping in that moment. my God, wouldn't the world be phenomenal if we had all kinds of firefighting dads like you that help their kids understand that rather than repress it and push it down and not be willing to apologize or to justify and whatnot. So that's just what I wanted to say about that.
Sean: They're really kind comments and thank you. I mean, I'm not perfect I think it's perfection is impossible to achieve, but I try,think you did a podcast some few weeks ago that I listened to and you focused on, identity transition, or what I, what we call identity transition, what I call identity transition. and Just to give a quick, acknowledgement, with regard to this, that a lot of the work that I undertake, and a lot of the theoretical perspective that I've had, the wonderful privilege of learning and understanding comes from, the work of Dr. Saj who created and, developed the subject of metapsychology and [00:17:00] in the subject of metapsychology, Saj, as we call him, that's his nickname, Saj Gabody. does, speak about identities and it's really interesting. I like to say personas, The reason I like to say personas is because it fits quite nicely with personalities. so view of that is that from my perspective is that personality is the collection of. a person's personas and we all have personas or identities as such as sarge would you know i can hear him correcting me now would say you know Sean, the dad, Sean, the firefighter, Sean, the veteran, Sean, the guitarist, Sean, the mate, Sean, the idiot. You know, we all have different identities, don't we?
You know, and they have utility for us within a specific context. So being the firefighter and having the identity that has the knowledge, the skills and the experience that enables a firefighter to be a firefighter, that's great. When you are being a firefighter, and then of course at the end of the shift or what have you, you have to come home [00:18:00] and, it's often a sign, I think of a, of
Someone who's doing well is the ability to transition between identities within that particular context at the right time.and we, see this time and time again with veterans, both from the, Iraq war and then from the Afghanistan wars that we've just, been through and with firefighters and just responders in general, it's who is walking through that door. and if you have this fixed identity whereby you're being the firefighter all the time, you're going to look a bit of a prout when you're, not needing to be a firefighter and you can, you make decisions based on that stuff and yeah, it can get problematic c
Erin: It can get problematic and you have to have a lot of self awareness, in order to be able to shift from one state to another. In order to be able to say, I am now taking off my firefighter uniform and I'm walking in, I'm putting on my dad hat, like number one dad, and I'm walking in the door.
It takes conscious awareness to be able to [00:19:00] shift into that space. And we've taught classes and stuff. With different ideas of things that people could use. We actually got it from a friend's book that he wrote about a process that he uses where he would remove a ring and then he would know it's time to shift into a different space, but we've also been.
I have been really enjoying this book called No Self, No Problem, and I can't think of who the author is off the top of my head. I'm on my second go at this book, Cinnamon is reading it and wrapping it up now. But it really touches on this whole idea of self, like all of these identities are completely made up at the end of the day.
And it's fascinating what it's done for me in reading this book is it's allowed me some freedom because I'm like, oh, wait, I made this up. That means I could unmake it up,
especially the stuff that feels painful or causes suffering of my life. I'm like, wait a minute. I did that. I decided that, and I made that up, [00:20:00] and it's all just this big illusion and story, and so to, put the ego aside, which I appreciate the fact that, especially when you're up against high stakes, you're putting yourself in danger, like being a first responder, going to war, I mean, you're intentionally putting yourself in a position to put yourself in harm's way, and I can understand why people might attach to That, that like almost superhero, badass kind of energy, and that feels good. And also it can be very limiting to the other versions of us that we get to be. So I'm glad you touched on that. I'm wondering, do you go around and actually speak to people as well then? Is The identity stuff? part of any of your trainings that you do?
Sean: in training sessions, identities does come up a lot because it is, it's really, important part of us who we are, it's hard, the first responder, and within that sort of scope, you've then got the firefighter, the [00:21:00] medic, the cop or whatever, you know, let's face it, we're all a little bit weird and we have our own like little macro cultures within that first responder culture, so even just being aware have this idea of identities, that you have different identities and asking someone, who are you being, rather what are you being at that time?and a lot of it's just automatic. people just don't tend to be aware of this stuff. And so they don't even realize, well, this is just me. Yeah, but where did you get the idea, for example, that Children have got to have immaculately tidy rooms and why are you getting angry about it and all that stuff, or we use a term called squared away in Britain a lot, particularly in the military.
So is it squared away? That means is it taken care of? Is it sorted? and so if something's not squared away and you're stuck in that responder identity, when you get home, it's and the other thing about us is we like to be like that. Don't we want to click our fingers and we want it done, particularly if we work in command.
Cinnamon: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. I like to come home and [00:22:00] have people say yes sir or yes ma'am and I only need to ask once and I forget that my children are not my subordinates and they ask questions like why or make statements like no that we respond as if we are still at work,
Sean: yeah, absolutely. I think. I think there are variations, to, to greater and lesser degrees with different people because they are the aggregate of their experiences. I, but in general, I think when your decisions are life and death decisions, then even the littlest decision can sometimes still feel like a life and death decision in the moment, even though you don't realize that. Absolutely. It goes back to the joy thief and the spider, too, in a lot of ways. Absolutely. Yeah.
Cinnamon: Erin touched on minute ago about how, we've learned from you all, and then we've also taught many of you about [00:23:00] that idea of what you call the identity transition, or,going from home to work and making sure that it's a conscious shift. And historically when we talk about don't bring work home, that has typically meant don't talk about what happened at work.
We haven't always thought about don't come home and be a jerk to your family because you had some crappy things happen on shift. so what you're talking about, is expanding on that. And even though we might teach it in a training or a conference or even in an individual session, I think the more dialogue folks like you are having about this, just in the general conversation, it doesn't take an individual going into individual.
Counseling or therapy to be taught about the importance of that transition and how to make it right. So if it does require self awareness we're not going to even know that that's a thing that we need to do unless we get into this [00:24:00] private one on one room with a mental health professional like That's not going to work.
That's not sustainable and so to have folks like you out there talking about this in that general conversation of, talking,about Sarge Gabody, which I wrote that down and I'm going to go look him up afterwards. I think that's the important part is that we move these conversations from.
You had to be having such a difficult time to engage in individual therapy and then you get the secret sauce to this is just what we all need to know that we're doing and it's general information one of our guys, we suggested sit in the driveway for a minute.
And he's like, as my kids are at the window, they know when I'm home and if I don't come in, they're coming out. then we modified, okay, so park about a block away, give yourself seven minutes of deep breathing, do a meditation, whatever to reset
yourself, finding those ways to switch that hat. But if this [00:25:00] is privileged information in the confines of a confidential session and it's not getting out there.
It's not as helpful as it needs to be. So thank you for having, these conversations and bringing it to, I don't know if this has the same meaning in the UK as it does here, but at the kitchen table of the firehouse,
Sean: Yeah. we say the mess. The mess table.
Cinnamon: the Mess. table. Okay. I like that.
Sean: thing. Same
Cinnamon: I've also learned the new word Pratt, which I'm going to look that up as well. I'm like writing down all these English words that people will not know that
Sean: Yeah.
Cinnamon: slightly snarky when I use them.
This is gonna be fun. Thank you. I, I,
Sean: I'm
Cinnamon: no, I need new words.
Erin: like, I don't mean to be a bad influence,
Sean: I'm going to, I'm going to teach you all the bad ones, isn't it? Yeah, touched on a really important thing there because I think, when we train firefighters and cops and medics and, coast guards, any responders, we're always operationally centered. There's a huge demand on time in terms of capacity in training and, [00:26:00] getting the most benefit, best value from operational training at the start of somebody's career.and one of the things that historically responder agencies across the world have done, since time immemorial, is to not consider Psychoeducation as part of that basic training and it's starting to happen in different places And I'm hoping that's going to be something that's going to grow and grow and grow, you know
Erin: Absolutely. Is this what supported you in creating the crisis psychological first aid system? Is that, was that your goal? One, I imagine crisis stands for something because it's all caps.
Sean: Yeah. Yeah.
Erin: Okay.
Sean: I like a good acronym.
Erin: can see.
Cinnamon: With hope and cope, and I'm like, I need to write these things down. Sean's wise.
Sean: So yeah, crisis was quite a piece of work and, it originated. Although the beginnings of crisis started in, in 2017, if I can have a few minutes to give you some context and backdrop
[00:27:00] to,
Erin: do. That's the
Sean: to, okay. so in my fire service in Nottinghamshire or Nottinghamshire, we have, specifically trained team of what we call facilitators. And that began in 2017 with a guy called Dr. John Durkin. who was, a former firefighter who'd left the fire service. essentially,with PTSD, following a tasty job. And John went on from there to do a master's. And then he went on to do a PhD in post traumatic growth. and,he went over to America. met George Everly and Geoffrey Mitchell of CISM fame and, also, Sarge and trained in Traumatic Incident Reduction and became a TIR trainer, Traumatic Incident Reduction trainer. And It was John's dream originally that created this whole thing because John, had got the idea of training a bunch of firefighters to help other firefighters with trauma in order to, keep us well and prevent. The decline into mental health and [00:28:00] luckily for me, he met my colleague, Paul Meakin, who was on the same, we call them watchers. I don't know, do you call them watchers in America, in the fire service? Like
Cinnamon: We may be calling them shift.
Sean: shifts, yeah. Okay.
Cinnamon: a 24 hour shift, or yeah.
Sean: Well,
Cinnamon: You might call them watches.
Sean: yeah, that's the watch system. Essentially. We just say watch, and Paul was already an integrative counselor in those days, as well as being a firefighter. And he met John and John had trained him in TIR. Paul did, a pilot project within our fire service and he achieved some amazing results with traumatic incident reduction.
I mean, literally amazing. I've still got the data and it's. I still like to look at it even now anyway, John was able to come and train, I think 20 of us originally in the method of traumatic incident reduction, which is derived from Gabody's metapsychology. And there's this team of. TIR facilitators, firefighters, [00:29:00] not counselors, not clinical, psychotherapists, not psychiatrists, not doctors, just firefighters with a strong commitment to help other firefighters. and so we learned TIR and we also. then trained with John,we trained in CISM, which I know from a recent podcast, I know you've got your reservations with regard to some of that, but bear with we've gained quite a little reputation for ourselves with the work that we've been doing and helping people and some of the results. I mean, some of them were astounding. We bought what you would consider to be intractable cases and we got them What we call back on the run, back on the wagon, doing the job, a lot happier than they had been.
with vast reductions in, in, in the symptomology of PTSD. to the point where they'd gone below the clinical threshold.I'm not abashed to say curative. Is what I'm talking about. If you want to look at it in a, from a clinical perspective, which I don't particularly like to do, but again, bear with me with that one.[00:30:00] and so anyway, long story short, 2017 was a busy year for the UK in terms of, Large incidents or metacritical incidents as I define them and metacritical incident being incident that's geographically in more than one place and a protracted length of time. for example,the wildfires that have been in California at the moment, they would fall under that category as a metacritical incident because it's bloody huge, you know, it's massive.and the dynamics.and so on and so forth. So we had, two terror attacks in 2017. And then we had this thing called the Grunfeld disaster, which was a tower block that caught fire. And it had got, cladding on the outside of it. And the cladding caught fire, went straight up and killed 72 people. and. We were asked by the, London Metropolitan Police to go and help, the police officers that had attended the Grenfell fire. And we'd already done the terror attacks beforehand, and we were down. in London working on the London Bridge Borough Market attack and there's Grenfell and it's still [00:31:00] smoking and they said, yes, and if you don't mind, we'd like you to, work on that as well.
So we went, yep, absolutely. No problem. But anyway, so I remember we were down in a, in London for most of 2017. with a team of firefighters who were coming down from Nottingham Shire down into London, we were delivering critical incident stress debriefings, we were delivering traumatic incident reduction as well. Now the thing was, when we were delivering critical incident stress debriefings in line with Evelyn Mitchell's original model. So we would definitely faithful to that model because I know that there are lots of other sort of. Debriefing models that have occurred afterwards from Atlee Diagraph and a guy called Frank Parkinson and then, and so on and so forth.
But in traumatic incident reduction, you use very, very, very specific communication techniques. Go beyond active listening. it's difficult to describe, but it's about the creation of the ultimately safe [00:32:00] space. And we also have really specific what we call rules of facilitation whereby they govern the actions of the facilitator through the entire session. for example, we don't interpret anything that anybody would say. We don't analyze anything. And we most certainly wouldn't judge anything that anybody said. We don't give advice. We don't give guidance. So on and so forth. we don't appear interesting. We're interested in the person. and it's really, it creates a really high level of fidelity because every time you facilitate in the same way, and you get the same effect at the end of it. what we found was happening and what I noticed was that actually when we're delivering critical incident stress debriefings, we were delivering them in the way that John had, taught us to deliver traumatic incident reduction.
I, we were applying the communication exercises. We were applying the rules of facilitation. Whereas, general delivery of critical incident stress [00:33:00] debriefings, that doesn't happen. as I was listening to you cinnamon, I think it was last week I was listening to it and the concerns that you have about the way that some of these Debriefings have been delivered. I think, while do admire the work of Avalia Mitchell, I do admire the model where I think there are problems are in terms of delivery at point of contact. And I don't want to be disrespectful to Avalia Mitchell because I think the model that they created is, it's good, it's worthy. I just think it's how it's being delivered that is problematic and you can see it being delivered differently in different places. And if you look on YouTube, there are some really fruity films, footage of.critical incident stress debriefing has been delivered and I'm like, Oh my God, I can't don't do that, anyway, I'm moving on all respect to Evelyn Mitchell because what they created was phenomenal and it has saved lives anyway.
So what I noticed was that because we trained in TIR, the way that we were delivering critical incident stress debriefings was [00:34:00] significantly different. It was like a different beast. everything was governed, everything. was Safe
Erin: There's no free discussion.
Sean: There's no face pulling, there's no tilted heads. There's no, expressions of fear or massive expressions of empathy where you go, oh, that must have been terrible. And you're like, no, don't do that. Don't do it. You don't need to do it. And I was sat in a police station pondering this and we'd been working on the Borough Market attack incident, the recovery from that. And I thought we can create a TIR based version of CISM, which crisis didn't end up being actually ended up being a different beast altogether, but that was the initial thing that we can provide an intervention like CISM, but based. within the subject matter applied metapsychology and delivered with the fidelity that we deliver traumatic incident reduction. And so that's where it started. I hope this doesn't sound arrogant because I'm really not trying to be arrogant, but I won't hide. What's the [00:35:00] thing you don't hide your light under a bushel? It's not my light. It's the light of TIR of metapsychology in crisis. Is that when we were doing the critical instance stress debriefings, we had a number of, sessions where one of the, participants Got overwhelmed and, bolted for the door because it was really overwhelming stuff. And all we did is that we had somebody strategically placed who was TIR trained and we grabbed them, right, come on, do you want to come and talk about this, into the office. We delivered traumatic incident reduction. Before you know it, within an hour, they're back down in the room with all their friends. That's how effective it was. So not only were we doing critical incident stress debriefing differently, we were also adding another bolt onto this thing with TIR because with TIR, you can achieve amazing things with individuals. And so whereas normally where critical incident stress debriefing ends, tends to be, well, you might get referred afterwards somewhere, God knows where, outside the organization to [00:36:00] somebody you don't know, doesn't understand first responders, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And so the CISD represented probably the ultimate point of intervention, within a peer support sense at that time, we were going a step further and saying, actually, no, we can now do this on a one to one basis and it worked phenomenally well. So anyway, all that stuff considered, there's a lot of context there and I've been rambling a little bit, but, that's where the original idea for crisis came from and crisis, Evolved over the next, three or four years to, and I'm, there's still little tweaks I still look at it and think, Oh, I wish I'd just
changed that word, you know, still trying to improve it, but at the moment, it's a little fish in a pond that's got some big fish in it, such as CISM and so on and so forth, but crisis is growing and We've got facilitators on four different continents. and the benefits of the system are starting to be recognized. And crisis itself is actually predicated on something called the crisis schema, which is essentially a plan, that guides the facilitator [00:37:00] through, Through the actual sort of engagement with a person, and the C is for communication, the R is for risk, I is for integration, S is for safety, I is for information, and S is for support crisis. and we also call it critical incident stress integration and support, rather than intervention, because what we're trying to do with crisis is to augment somebody's, natural. integrative processes, as opposed to an intervention where you try to stop something happening. We're encouraging
something to happen.
Erin: Yes.
Sean: Yeah. That was, so that was a long answer to a short question. I'm sorry about that.
Erin: Well, I think that the context is important. being able to hear the backstory is important. And I call myself an integration coach.
Erin: Okay? One, life coach doesn't land very well in the first responder community. It sounds too woo woo for them, but also really what we are doing is very much.
It's an integration [00:38:00] process every step of the way We want them to feel all the way through down deep and then rebuild and integrate this new way of being into their life. And it takes that and whenever I hear the word intervention, I'm like, Oh, that's going to go bad
because nobody wants a sneak attack and people feel set up. even in this context where it's not supposed to have that meaning. When I personally hear that word intervention, I'm like, that's going to, to blowing up in everybody's faces. Now I am familiar with that more from a, substance side being a substance abuse counselor where it's like, you can go ahead and have an intervention, but that's not going to work for you.
Cinnamon: And it's going to probably make things worse. Erin's been watching so much cable television that when that comes up, it's the TV show intervention where like, oh, this is not going to end well. that person is probably not going to end up in rehab.
Sean: Yeah.
Erin: also I don't watch cable. I don't even watch TV,
Cinnamon: know, I'm kidding.
Erin: I'm like, TV. But I know from, Um, definitely yeah, experiencing it, watching it. so Cin, I see you're looking like you're [00:39:00] studying and writing things down. I know he's speaking your language.
Sean: Yeah. I just wanted to write something down there because I didn't want to forget what you said. Cause I thought it was really important and that was about the idea of ambush
Erin: Hmm. Mm
Sean: interventions and stuff and that,the view of intervention from. A substance misuse and abuse point of view is like, you know, everybody's suddenly you walk in the room, the family's there and it's like, Oh my God, I'm an alcoholic, all that
sort of stuff. So we use integration specifically because that's what we're trying to achieve. We're trying to get somebody to integrate this experience into their existing life and functional schemas. and that's the point.once something's been successfully integrated, that, you would call recovery because it's
surprising what people can integrate, you know, the most horrendous of things. But if people have difficulty doing that, which often we do. then that's where it gets painful, And if you view trauma as a stagnation in in the integrative process caused by repression, it [00:40:00] gives you a, whole new viewpoint to look at trauma and go, ah, I've got you because you can't integrate what you can't accept, you can't accept what you don't understand and you can't understand. What you don't know.
Erin: Is that a t shirt?
Cinnamon: it sounds like it's going to be,
Sean: Good idea, yeah.
Erin: I'm always like,
Cinnamon: down.
Erin: that's a t shirt.
Sean: Yeah.
Cinnamon: I love the way that you're saying it. My language is there's two, there's so many different parts of the brain, but in this is kind of like, you know, there's two different kinds of people, like the guy that like barbecue sauce and the guy that don't, like whatever that version is, but there's two parts of the brain.
There's the knowing part and there's the doing part and very rarely do they cross. And part of the reason Erin's role is so critical for our clients is we can work through the trauma. We can understand why we are doing what we're doing. And we [00:41:00] can make peace,and find closure and work through all of the things that have happened to us.
That doesn't mean that. Magically, we're going to develop the skill of what to do instead. so for me, we've got so many folks that are still trying to figure out how to make peace with what has happened and reduce those symptoms that why wouldn't we have two separate people in an hour, I'm sure there's lots of. clinicians that, do it all. But for us, it worked out perfectly where I helped them through the trauma part of it. And then there's this handoff where, okay, now let's go make your life function with greater ease and peace because you've worked through this and we're going to make sure that you know
What to do instead of, or how to live that out. And, it's not always about if you know [00:42:00] more, you will be able to successfully do more. It's a lot of times, I don't know how to do what I know. It's not that I don't know, I don't know what to do is that I don't. Know how to do what I know and that's where I like that integration piece and you know All of our interventions are called interventions.
So whether it's EMDR or CBT or ART like it's the thing that we do on the front end but what is ultimately like what you said where you get to the closure and being able to live that life free of the burden that comes with the, doing the work. So we don't have to is the integration piece.
Sean: Absolutely. utterly convinced of it. And this is one of Sarge's great gifts to the world, is idea that repression or the unknowingness of a particular aspect of experience that [00:43:00] creates an incomplete learning activity. So for example, a and you'll find this, I'm sure in both lines,in, in both of your sort of work streams, if that's the right word, there will be, certain discoveries along the way where somebody goes, ah, I've not noticed that before.
Ah, well that makes sense about that. Right. Okay. Got it. That is exactly what talking about. We're talking with repression, which was originally Freud's.conception back in the day, with his clients, he said, they've got, what he described as wishes that had been, the sort of stereotypical idea of the clients laying on the couch and Freud's there.
with his notebook and the client is, you know, doing the free associate and just speaking and speaking and speaking. And then suddenly they come back with this little piece of information and go, ah, that's why that happened. I get it now. And that's where Freud came with this idea of repression. And Capote went a step further with this. What you notice, because Freud had, I'm sure it's far more complicated than this [00:44:00] if you speak to Sarge, which I would always recommend doing because he's a wonderful individual, or John for that matter, John Durkin, so there is one particular case where it's about wishes and Sarge got this idea, hang on, what we're actually talking about here is intention, the intentions that we formulate at the time of the incident. And if an intention is repressed or pushed out of awareness so you're not aware of the intention that you formulated, what that creates is like a, a catch 22 because you can't fulfil an intention that you're unaware of. And nor can you abandon that intention that you're aware of. It's only if you can bring that intention back into awareness that you can go, don't need to do that anymore, or that's now complete. Do you see? so if viewing trauma as That repressed, unfulfilled intention creating emotional charge gives us the opportunity to say, actually, do you know what this is not about? [00:45:00] Something that's clinically wrong with you. This is just about something that you needed to do at the time that the shit hit the fan.
And you were incapable of completing it. And so we find that people are locked into a constant, unconscious drive to fulfill an intention that they're not even aware of. Which is absolutely not on the face of it, but the more you dig into it, the more it makes sense and you're like, Oh my God, yeah, true, exactly. And so the work of TIR, and the work of crisis is geared towards that, theoretical underpinning, which is really rich and really coherent and really robust. And you won't find, and trust me, I've looked, you'll struggle to find such a rich underpinning theory, with regard to this stuff that can also demonstrate that we know this to be true by virtue of the results that we managed to achieve. So [00:46:00] we know, for example, TIR sessions, that somebody will spontaneously arrive at A little piece of information that they were previously unaware of. Now, our rules of facilitation prevent us from introducing any new data, any new reality at all into a person's world. So we know for a fact that this information has come from within. So it's like a Socratic learning process or my utic learning process. So if we can get somebody to focus their attention on an incident. At granular level, they can rediscover the things that they'd repressed at the time of the incident, become aware of that, and then suddenly it's over. And rather than it being something that's constantly in the here and now, in the present, and part of their presention, for want of a better word, it can then fall into the past and be part of their history.
Cinnamon: graduates with his PhD after that dissertation
[00:47:00] that was
Sean: Wow. Do you know what I know? can't afford a PhD, but there we go. that's just Britain. But anyway, so that's the whole sort of purpose of it. And so our point of view, from a metapsychological point of view, Integration is the thing. That is what we're trying to achieve. Yeah, that's what it's all based on anyway, in a nutshell.
Cinnamon: we will now have a new word in our, vocabulary. We're gonna start just calling it an ILA, an incomplete learning activity. Uh, and we're just, gonna change our titles to closers. We're just gonna start closing
but I have this affinity for the idea that, when things get hard or my patience is stretched or,I'm struggling or suffering, I go back to think, if I was.
I was having a conversation with the thing greater than myself that I conversed with to decide to come here. And I said, teach me [00:48:00] patience, whatever I'm about to go through, let me learn patience or let me, learn empathy or compassion, right? this is. The bloody lesson, right? I'm using your lingo.
and so the idea for me to get complete, with the source is to do exactly what you've talked about. whether we're calling it a traumatic event, they're just the bigger lessons that we may need an additional level of support to get complete with. And you, I think, just changed my world, Sean McCallum. Thank you very much, and
Sean: Well, it's not very often. The lady says that to me, I can tell you it's been a long, it's been a long,
Cinnamon: You have rocked my world,
Sean: it's definitely, it's definitely been a long time since that's occurred. I think,
Erin: put it on the calendar that
Cinnamon: Alright, 1. 02, Eastern Standard Time, 1. 24,
Sean: can I rock your world even more?[00:49:00] Cause I've got something I'd really like to share with you. Okay. How about this? If you find something. in your room, wherever you are at the moment, find something that you like, an object that you like, or something that draws your attention. Yeah, got one? Okay,Now,when you perceive an object, a thing, okay, it's really interesting to note that you can't actually perceive or percept. The object in its entirety. What you'll notice is that you're actually focusing your focal awareness on a particular thing about that thing. It may be its color.
It may be its shape. It may be a particular aspect of the thing that you're looking at. Do you see what I mean?
Cinnamon: You can't see the hole.
Sean: can't perceive the whole thing in its entirety. What you can perceive is all of it very quickly, like in a scanning process. But what you're [00:50:00] doing is you're moving your perception to different aspects of that thing.
And you go, Oh, there's a microphone because I know it's round and I know it's made it. It's got black sponge on it and stuff and what have you. Now, If you look at. The thing that you've got, you'll notice that it's got different qualities, whatever it is. It might be different. It might have a color.
It might have a shape. It may have, a smoothness or a roughness or whatever it is. Okay. But even those things have got their own qualities and it gets really trippy.for example, I'm going to look at you can't see now, but I've got my micro, I can see your microphones. So if I look at your microphone, I'm seeing, I'm focusing on a silver band on cinnamons, right? Focally. That's what I'm perceiving. Exactly. Yeah, that's it. But in my subsidiary awareness. I'm aware that there's like a sponge circular thing, and I'm aware that there's like the shaft of the microphone and there's a white line going down the middle of it and so forth. So you, what you do is you scan [00:51:00] an object. And then you go, oh, that's a microphone. Okay. And you're familiar with microphones anyway, aren't you? So the first time you see something new, you scan it, or you wonder what it is. And you come to a decision. Now, even those things have got their own qualities. so for example, the sponge is a quality of your microphone. But the sponge itself has got a quality of, I don't know, softness or roughness or however happens to be. Now, if you consider a critical incident as an object and not like an event, if you just for a moment consider it as an object, what you'll notice is,any incident that you've experienced in the past or what have you, or if I put a photograph here of, of a house on fire or, or a photograph of 9 11 or what have you, you'll say, Oh, that's 9 11. What you can also notice is that there are also different little aspects of it, like parts of the building that came off or the fire that's coming out of that particular window. And we call those objectiles. So you have an object [00:52:00] that has objectiles. Okay. Now, if you consider. a critical incident again for me.
And just for a moment, you don't have to, I'm not going to ask you to speak about this. Like just do me a favor with this one. If you just for a moment, recall something bad that happened to you. Okay. And just give it a name and just write that name down if you can, or just note that name that explains that incident to you. Okay. All right. Now I'm going to ask you to consider what was the worst part of that incident for you? What was the worst part? And when you've got it, just write a very brief sentence. Okay. All right. Now, what you'll notice now is that the answer to the second [00:53:00] question, what was the worst part, is not the incident. You seethe incident only provides the context for the thing that we call a subjective criticality. and that is actually an object tile. Of the object of that incident, if that makes sense. So when we say, oh, the, I don't know, the shooting is such and such as the critical incident.
Yeah, it's an incident, but it just provides the context for the thing that's actually painful. Because the thing that's actually painful, okay, is indeed that subjective criticality. You got
Erin: thing that actually makes it painful is the story,
Sean: Okay.
Erin: Otherwise it's just an event. An event is an event. It's not until we attach the story to [00:54:00] it that. That's what makes it stick. in a different way.
Sean: Okay. so if the incident provides the context for what we call a subjective criticality and a person may experience a number of subjective criticalities, I'll give you one of mine from recently. And that was a suicide incident that I attended recently. And the worst part of that for me was the mother's wailing when she realized what had happened. Okay. now that is not that categorically is not that young man taking his own life. It's a different thing. And so if you apply this idea of subjective criticality to the things that you experience, then you'll keep noticing that actually it's never the actual incident, It's some aspect of the incident or an objectile in the, in the actual. You know, the psychobabble world that is actually the painful thing. And what that allows us to do is to consider that the incident is the incident, but it's actually only the context for the [00:55:00] thing that's painful. And the reason that thing is painful, okay, is generally because in some way violates Your life schemers, your functional schemers, the way you want and wish the world to be, you see? And that is held together by intention, your core intention, your principles.
Cinnamon: I'm just gonna be myself again real quick.
Erin: I know, I'm like, now that we're both crying,
Sean: That's okay,
Erin: well, it's, um, you know, when I hear you say these things, this is one of those, like, knowing without knowing how to get to it kind of things. Like, everything you're saying, I'm like, yeah, makes perfect sense to me.
Sean: Self evident.
Erin: uh huh.
And it goes back to even more about, that book, No [00:56:00] Self, No Problem by Chris Niebauer.
Sean: Niebauer.
Cinnamon: N I E B A U E R
Erin: Yeah.
Sean: you.
Cinnamon: We like, we like our,Germanic phonetics,
Erin: Yeah. So I've been listening to it on Audible. It's the only way I can get all the books done that we want to, read. and it's only
Sean: hmm.
Erin: listen, which is why I've listened to it again. But
Cinnamon: which is why I read out loud to her in hotel rooms. I'm like her own personal audible.
Erin: yeah.
Sean: Okay.
Erin: plus I like to pretend like I'm a kid. but. are certain aspects of what you just spoke into that book speaks into, um,
Sean: find that. Okay.
Cinnamon: I,
Erin: yeah, go ahead, Sin,
Cinnamon: I just want to share because. Obviously, I'm over here, having my own experience, but when you had us do that, I picked up, my lip sleeping mask, which I actually [00:57:00] do quite love this thing, but it has words on it. The cap is a different color than the container. Like I'm like all intellectually into what you were saying and it was making perfect sense.
And then you had Us write down the thing and mine was a suicide of a dear friend. And then when you had us write down the part that stands out the most was when the other dear friend, who. had informed me with Erin on the phone, he said he didn't make
Erin: Okay.
Cinnamon: And I remember specifically, reality being suspended
Sean: Mm.
Cinnamon: right before that because he had said, so and so shot himself.
And my next question was, and?
Sean: Okay.
Cinnamon: Because it was, okay, that happens, right? But the destruction to my life schema of what should be was that he didn't survive [00:58:00] it. so when I think about the worst part of that, even over a year later, which a year is not that long in the grieving process, it's still, that moment that you just described, like, when the way things should be gets shattered.
And I'd never had anyone, nor had I for anyone else, ever quite put it like that. Now, we can Talk about, you know, kids shouldn't die or, you know, it's not fair that the drunk driver typically walks away from the accident unscathed and other, you know, uh, victims, innocent people, thank you,are harmed or killed. And the irony is, if anyone knows that life is not fair, it is a first
responder.and yet, despite what we know, it goes back to that idea of [00:59:00] the knowing and the doing are two separate parts of our brain. And knowing does not always completely mitigate. When it is close up and personal, right?
Like I can say to someone who tells me about a child who died of cancer and you know It's hashtag child's name strong and I go, oh, that's really sad And I'm so sorry for that family. I can't even imagine and yet I know that kids die all the time, but
Sean: Mm.
Cinnamon: that child has a personal relationship to me Then it's a different level of intimacy and that schema now it's about my life It's not just a life schema.
It's my life's schema andwe talked about this When Erin caught something on social media that says we need to do more, and it started this whole of a lot [01:00:00] our advocacy friends having this conversation of accountability. And the idea that like, okay, but do we need to do more?
Maybe it's just about being consistent and also recognizing the only suicide I can prevent as my own. but when it changes our life, when it's that close up, that's when it becomes.the traumatic that we define in the DSM, right? it's not that this happened out here is that it happened in our own realm of reality, whether it was us, family member, we witnessed it.
it changes that scope of understanding. And so we can support people in doing When I first started working with this department and it was a line of duty death, I was their clinician and I did great job keeping a professional distance from that. I came in after it was already over, so I [01:01:00] didn't even know the person.
But I remember very vividly saying on multiple occasions, Now I'm so close to these people. I've grown to love these firefighters and I know them intimately and If there is another circle that needs to be rounded up, I will be in it. I will not be running it. And that's what happened 14 months ago. and this is exactly what you're talking about.
Sean: Okay.
Cinnamon: So thank you for giving us that new perspective, giving us language to it.
Sean: Oh, you're welcome. You're welcome. keep applying it.
And this is something that, you know,I know I used a little bit of psycho babble there with objects and objectiles, but you've only got to ask somebody and they will go straight to it. It's automatic attention. what's the worst part? And they'll go, that. But that's not the incident. The reason that's the worst part is because it [01:02:00] violates, to some degree, your life schema, which is all held together with intention. The way that you want things to be, or a particular part of that life schema. also in terms of identity, because identities, I mean, Dr.
Kibode told, you know, that, actually identities are manifestations of. Intention. You can't fulfill an intention without having the identity with which to do it. I can't save somebody in a fire without being a firefighter, for example. And so, Occasionally you get the, I mean we can all be upset by a critical incident. Upset is upset. Trauma is something different. Trauma is being unable to fulfill your intentions at the time, because as you'll know, Respondents will go to some incidents and we'll go, look, we did our best. we tried everything in the book. Injury We did what we could. That's it. And we might feel really shit about that for a few days. And that's normal, natural, and it's not something that, that we should label or diagnose [01:03:00] or what have you. But that's different to being locked in a situation where you're still trying to fulfill an intention from an incident a year ago, or having an intention violated to such a degree that you're literally unable to confront it. Yeah. So it is a different perspective and it's an interesting one.
Erin: You just said you're still trying to fulfill this intention and since Cinnamon shared, I'll just briefly share what I wrote down because I think it comes together.Mine is also the passing of my boyfriend who inadvertently took his own life in 2011. He was a firefighter. And that's the catch. What I wrote down, the worst part about it was learning about it, hearing it, someone tell me that he was gone. And here I am, 14 years later, still trying to complete my intention by being a first responder clinician. Do you see how [01:04:00] wild that is? It's like, no, no, I'm not going to let that be the thing.
Even if it's this long way around, I'm still going to fulfill that intention. and, While it doesn't bring him back, it's also that other side of things where, and I've said this a lot of times on the show, it's exactly what needed to happen for me to fill this part of my
Sean: Okay.
Erin: you know? So it is just very interesting.And I'm also like, thanks, now we were not going to have a job. Now that you made it so easy, people be like, Oh, I don't, I know what it is. Cinnamon always uses the example of it's like the rogue detective. Cause we teach people about, our key presentation is adverse childhood experiences, which is a wild thing to step into in this world, but she's always talking about like the rogue detective with the string in their bedroom, connecting the childhood event to the adult event and the way that you're explaining this. [01:05:00] And the fulfillment of the intention and all of that, that's exactly what I'm visualizing in my mind. It's like the string, Yeah. of experiences.
Sean: It ties you to the past, doesn't it? And you're absolutely right. most of the responders that I come into contact with may present with the road traffic collision that occurred two months ago. And two hours later, we're back in childhood when. A bigger boy at school has said something awful to them
Mm hmm.and that's, it's one of the bizarre things about, repression.
And this is something else where TIR is really valuable because we can approach. single incidents with what we call basic traumatic incident reduction, which is a set process that will handle a particular incident. But then sometimes you get people will present and they'll go, I don't know what it is.
I just feel useless. I'll say, okay. and tell me about all about feeling useless and we can go through that and we'll chase it down. But eventually we'll say, at [01:06:00] some point, I want you to find me an incident where you felt useless. And they'll go, Oh, there was this time when such and such happened.
Okay. And then we'll go through that incident. And if that incident doesn't prove fruitful, what we'll then do is go, tell me an earlier incident where you felt useless. And then we'll go back, they'll go find one in time, and then we'll address that incident. And if there's no emotional charge on that incident, and it's not fruitful, and it's not completing what they need to complete, we go again.
Is there an earlier incident containing feeling useless? And eventually they find what we call the root trauma. And much like a deck of cards, you know like the card, not the deck of cards, it's like a, you know the thing where you can Build a tower with them and so on and so forth house of cars.
Thanks cinnamon Yeah, so as soon as you get to the root trauma you deal with that the whole lot will just fall.
Erin: So basically add some bilateral stimulation and you're doing EMDR.
no, no I mean, the concepts though, and a lot of [01:07:00] ways of getting back to the root
thing. I mean, even when we are doing, accelerated resolution therapy, which is another bilateral stimulation therapy, we're very clear that someone might come in and be like, I know it's this car accident I got into.And I'm like, let's just see. Cause nothing's happening. And then the next thing you know, the brain's like, whoop, it's this. And they're like, what? I haven't thought about that in 40 years. Well, no, because it's repressed. And that's actually what's causing all of this physiological stuff to happen is not the car accident. While that was an inconvenience, it was the thing that get you here. So you could resolve 40 years ago.
Cinnamon: And you don't need to think about the thing from 40 years ago because you have all these other things that are happening that allow you to keep that alive without ever having to actually Go back to that event. And so Erin mentioned we do a lot with ACEs. My next project that [01:08:00] I'm dying to start is about the similarities, like how many times we have some, first responder come into counseling and declare that they are.
a hundred percent confident that even though they've never had a diagnosis, they are ADHD. And so looking at the overlap and replication of symptomatology, even with a different origin of PTS and ADHD similarities. and one of the terms that, we know from ADHD is dolphining,
Erin: Oh, that's a new one.
Cinnamon: so when people try to interject themselves in a conversation that Erin and I are having, the other one will do the interpretation for the third party because the third party is like, what the hell just happened?
how did you get there? And whoever isn't dolphining will be like, okay, so this is what she just did. I gave the example the other day of we're talking about leather shoes.And one of us just bought a new pair of shoes.
We're talking about how we like them. And then it gets a little silent for a second, which is rare, but it does happen. And then all of a sudden, I pop [01:09:00] up and say, have you ever thought about being a vegan? And people were like, what just happened here? And it's the idea that a dolphin pops up, says a little something about new leather shoes, goes back under the water, swims for as long as it does, and then pops back up and says, You thought about being vegan so what you're describing in the term of like repressed memory is that we're like, we had this car accident where I had to listen to a mother and father howl as they survived it while their four year old in the backseat did not.
And I had to be the one to tell them and they come up and they dolphin. Open and they say it and then they go back under and then they remember having to be in the position of having to step forward and yet feeling powerless to change the situation, So it can be the most distant similarity that we would never even conjure [01:10:00] up.
And yet that's the thing. It's about being powerless. It's about being useless. It's about being hopeless, about being helpless, those less themes. So it doesn't have to be, Oh, I was in a car accident one time and now I'm having to tell a parent about a car accident. It's where I felt powerless. And I had to watch someone suffer. And that is where I see another similarity
Sean: hmm.
Cinnamon: the concept of dolphining. So I keep Pratt, you keep dolphining.
Sean: I like it.
Erin: Yeah. And when we're underwater. It's when we're doing all the thinking inside and then we just start speaking without giving anybody the context to what was going on in our brain. And then they're like, now Cinnamon and I both dolphin all the time and we are really one person in a lot of ways.
And so will just be like, you didn't say the words that you were thinking, you know, or we'll know how to weave it all back together.
Yeah, interpret it. [01:11:00] But it is a thing. and I love how you use that example of dolphining to bring that all back around, Cin.
Sean: Yeah, I
Erin: it's awesome. Yeah,
Cinnamon: You know, it is a skill, To translate that dolphining. we were driving in a car over the weekend and Erin said, yeah, I think we should shorten that. And then, she was having this whole conversation about a project we are working on and she's thinking, thinking, and then she starts talking. So instead of getting worked up over it, Cause it happens every day. It's like a part of it that you didn't let me in on.
So can you back up
Erin: having an hour ago, I'm now
Cinnamon: right? Yes. Or we've already had another topic that we're literally currently talking about. And she had a thought from an hour ago or I did, I am not. And then that interjects into this conversation. And I'm [01:12:00] like,
we've done it again and it does take, an intimacy to translate that, which is why I think doing trauma work, creates a different relationship in our world, in our clients, There's a different level of intimacy with trauma clients than there is with someone maybe coming in to, talk about something intense.
Sean: hmm. It's, it's hallowed ground, isn't it? it's hallowed ground and it's such a privilege to be with somebody. when they're confronting the thing that they've not confronted for so long and, and to see that, the outcome of that,it's a privilege and it's nice.
and I think of the joys of being a TIR facilitator is, when you're going to sit down with somebody, there's going to be a result. So I don't ever walk into a session. And think, Oh, I hope this is going to be all right. I walk into session going, let's get this one done. Cause I know there's going to be a result because the level of fidelity within TIR means that if [01:13:00] they don't get the result, if they don't find some relative point of completion, that's my fault, not theirs,
it's my fault because it means that I've missed something in the the process and so on and so forth. that helps to keep me. Happy and healthy people. how do you listen to all this stuff? how do you cope with it? Or where do you go? Well, you know, we do have, the option to co facilitate. And so if something reactivates me, then I will go and I will have a session for it.
It's like maintenance and I'm very lucky. So I've got a wonderful facilitator, Jenny, who gives me so much of her time. So if I do get reactivated or I've got, my own stuff to deal with, that just needs handling, even at the age of 51, I can go and do that.but in session. With a client, do I get, no, I don't, I come out smiling, absolutely, every
time.and that's unique and we don't do therapy because it's not therapy in the strictest sense of the word. So we're not therapists, that's why we say facilitators.but it's so effective. [01:14:00] I know that the person that's entered this room is going to be different when they leave this room. and that's because, there's a joy.
most definitely. Yeah, it's wonderful. It's wonderful to do. And our way of working as well in terms of session time is very different to the clinical norm of, the 40, 50 minute session. No, no, no, no. Our sessions only finish when the person is ready to finish and that can be, half an hour. It could be three. irrelevant.
Erin: yeah, hence the reason we hate insurance. Because it limits us from being able to do our job in an effective way that actually
Cinnamon: Yeah.
Erin: Yeah.
Cinnamon: Yeah
Erin: end of the day, yeah,
Cinnamon: because we know a lot of clients They have felt fear and avoided saying the thing that they needed to come in that day and say, we call it doorknobbing, Like they wait until they're reaching for the doorknob to be like, Oh, and by the way, uncle Joe touched me. And it's, check, I [01:15:00] got it out, but I waited until that last minute because the fear was so intense.
And then I'm clinically trained to say, that sounds like a really good place to start next week. What the actual bloody. Pratt, right? Like he's like, I cannot let any of my peers listen to this because she's slaughtering our cuss word,'s like if I'm not on a tight schedule, I can say,
Erin: Hold up.
Cinnamon: Okay, we're about to turn this into a 90 minute session and we're going to sit here and we're going to talk about that.
And I can still not get in the trenches because I know the bravery I'm just so excited you said it. And now we can do something about it so you don't have to live with it the way you've been living with it. so I, I do think that there is a place for joy, but it requires that you stay on a little bit of a higher plane and not get into it.
And even [01:16:00] watching you as Erin and I have talked, you have that very. Nondescript face that you talked about in T. I. R. It's not the, Oh, or the, Oh, or the, Hmm, you are, it is alittle bit hard to read.
Sean: boring, aren't you? That's what you're trying to say, boring.
Cinnamon: No, I'm like, is he touched and moved? Does he think we're funny? Does he like us?
Are we like, what's happening here? but,so yes, say all that because I think what you're doing. the idea that we're on a, this different level as clinicians, yeah, I, yeah,I'm not convinced that,that doesn't sometimes, Work against us. but which kind of, Oh, and, and yes, absolutely.
we are handcuffed in a lot of ways, but I guess that leads me to, the next place that I want to make sure we get to and we are rolling deep [01:17:00] into our one hour with you,
Erin: I don't care. As long as Sean doesn't care.
Sean: got me for as long as you want. That's okay.
Cinnamon: okay.great. We'll just make
Erin: Yeah.
Cinnamon: is somebody keeping dinner warm for you? Because we know that it's probably like 6 30
Sean: No, that's gone
Cinnamon: okay.
Sean: on the pulse,
Cinnamon: You had, did you have tea today? Do you have tea time?
Sean: Yes, darling.
Cinnamon: Perfect. I love it.
Erin: Alright folks, that’s a wrap for Part 1 of our conversation with Sean McCallum. But trust us, we are just getting started. Next week, we dive even deeper into his groundbreaking work, including the COPE Stress Management Model—coined as the 'CPR for Stress'—and how first responders can use it in real-time. You do not want to miss the second half of this conversation. So, hit that subscribe button, and we’ll see you next week
Erin: Thanks for tuning in to today's episode of after the tones drop. We've been bringing you some real mental health insights And we'd love to hear what you think. If you're enjoying this show, take a minute and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform. And don't forget, share this podcast with someone who might benefit from it. A big, thank you to whole house counseling and Nova's home mortgage for sponsoring today's episode.
And a special shout out to Rob Maccabee for writing and producing our shows. music just a quick reminder. After the tones drop is here for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical or psychological advice. If you're in need of help, please reach out to a mental health professional in your area. for more resources. Head over to after the tones and check out our resources tab. We really appreciate you being a part of this community. Thanks for listening and sharing.
Crisis Intervention & Trauma Consultant, Firefighter, Veteran, Children’s Author.
As an innovator in the field of psychotraumatology, I am focused on developing advanced, integrative approaches to crisis intervention, stress, and trauma recovery. Much of my work has been informed by my experiences within the Armed Forces and Fire and Rescue Service, allowing me to bring an authentic and culturally competent perspective to the psychological challenges faced by responders.
I am the creator of Critical Incident Stress Integration & Support (CRISIS), a pioneering psychological first aid system that combines person-centred, cognitive, and psychodynamic theory to provide comprehensive support following critical incidents. This system is designed to facilitate immediate and effective recovery, promoting resilience and growth following stressful and traumatic experiences.
In addition to CRISIS, I co-created the COPE Stress Management model, an intravention system empowering individuals to manage stress through algorithmic self-care strategies.
I am currently developing the HOPE Suicide Intervention model, which aims to provide a simple yet effective strategy to address suicidal ideation, and will be available for training soon!
My current theoretical interests lie within the theories of the generation of personal reality, dynamic integration, subjective criticality, personality, intentionality, and resilience. I am particularly fascinated by the phenomena and subtle interplay of resistance and recovery in the synthesis of resilience.
As a Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) Trainer & Facilitator, I’ve had the pr… Read More