Dive into the compelling world of literature shaped by the firsthand experiences of first responders. Our curated selection of recommended books, authored by these brave individuals, offers a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs encountered in the line of duty. Gain insights into their resilience, courage, and the human stories that often go untold. Whether memoirs, novels, or insightful guides, these books provide a powerful glimpse into the profound narratives of those who dedicate their lives to helping others.
Relentless Courage By Michael Sugrue
Struggle Well By Ken Falke & Josh Goldberg
Mindfulness for Warriors By Kim Colegrove
Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement By Kevin Gilmartin
Franco The Succulent By Larry Turner
When Home Becomes A Housing Unit by William Young
The Nothing that Never Happened by William Young
Trained to Change by William Young
Break Every Chain by Jonathan Hickory
Overcoming Tuesday by Jim Burneka Jr & Hillary Hawkins
Create Your Own Light by Travis Howze
I Love a Cop: What Police Families Need to Know
Challenges of the Firefighter Marriage by Anne Gagliano and Mike Gagliano
The Fireman’s Wife: A Memoir by Susan Farren
A CHiP on my Shoulder: How to Love and Support Your Cop
First Responder Families by Tanya Glenn
Carry On Warrior and Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle
Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strayed
Of Mess and Moxie: Wrangling Delight out of this Wild and Glorious Life by Jen Hatmaker
The Gift of Presence: A Mindfulness Guide for Women by Caroline Welch