🚨 WATCH WITH CARE: This Might Hit Close to Home 🚨

Look, a critical incident isn’t just a call. It’s not just a “thing that happened.” It’s an object—a whole, solid thing that exists in your head. But inside that object? That’s where the real pain is.

It’s not the structure fire—it’s the second you locked eyes with the kid trapped inside.
It’s not the suicide call—it’s the sound of the mother’s scream when she realized her baby was gone.
It’s not the shooting—it’s the feeling in your gut when you saw your partner on the ground.

The incident is just the context. What actually tears you up inside is what we call subjective criticality—the part that hit you the hardest. And that’s what sticks. That’s what wakes you up in the middle of the night. That’s what makes you replay it over and over.

The good news? You’re not crazy. You’re not broken. You CAN heal! You’re carrying moments that changed you, and that’s human.

#FirstResponderWellness #TheStoryMatters #CriticalIncident #TraumaAwareness #WeSeeYou #MentalHealthForHeroes #AfterTheTonesDrop #ProcessingPain #HoldTheLine